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topic: 2224tools > make ladder crossover
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posted: 27 May 2013 19:35


Nr. Spalding, South Holland - United Kingdom

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I think the tools > make ladder crossover menu items are the wrong way around, and perhaps don't work? 

When I select tools > make ladder crossover > make curviform ladder I get a warning saying that "You are about to make a REGULAR ladder..." and a diamond with regular vees is created. 

When I select tools > make ladder crossover > make regular ladder, I don't get the warning, but the crossover is still created with regular vees.

Also the help menu item in the  tools > make ladder crossover doesn't do anything.

Hope it helps.


posted: 27 May 2013 20:34


Martin Wynne
West Of The Severn - United Kingdom

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richard_t wrote:
I think the tools > make ladder crossover menu items are the wrong way around, and perhaps don't work? 

When I select tools > make ladder crossover > make curviform ladder I get a warning saying that "You are about to make a REGULAR ladder..." and a diamond with regular vees is created.
Hi Richard,

It is working as intended:

curviform ladder track in Templot

They are the right way round, but it's important to read the notes -- click the white bar:


Which shows these notes. Note the bit I have marked red -- if you created a regular ladder you must have been starting from a regular V-crossing: :)

     Make  Ladder
A "ladder" track is one which crosses multiple running lines diagonally, comprised of a string of diamond-crossings and/or slips.
In Templot a ladder is created by clicking the TOOLS > MAKE LADDER menu item repeatedly, once for each diamond-crossing. This makes it possible to change the adjacent track spacing for each diamond-crossing (GEOMETRY > ADJACENT TRACK CENTRES... menu item) as necessary.
If slip roads are needed, they are added to the diamond-crossings afterwards.
There are two types of ladder track:
1. In a REGULAR ladder, the diagonal-road has the same radius as the main-road (or both are straight), and all crossing angles are therefore equal. Regular ladder tracks are comprised of REGULAR diamond-crossings, and are commonly seen in station throats, often as single or double slips.
2. In a CURVIFORM ladder, the diagonal-road radius and main-road radius differ, and all the crossing angles therefore differ also. Most commonly the diagonal-road is more sharply curved than the main roads, creating short diamond-crossings. The diagonal-road follows the initial curve of the turnout-road (or can in some cases be straight across curved main roads). Curviform ladders are comprised of IRREGULAR diamond-crossings, and are often used to form double-junctions, and to gain access to goods yards, engine sheds and industrial sidings. Slips are less common in curviform ladders because of the usually steeper crossing angles.

The type of ladder is determined by the type of V-crossing which is set for the initial control template.

To change it, cancel the ladder and first click the TEMPLATE > V-CROSSING... menu item. Change the V-crossing type as required. Then click the TOOLS > MAKE LADDER menu item again.
For a REGULAR ladder set a REGULAR or GENERIC V-crossing.
For a CURVIFORM ladder set a CURVIFORM V-crossing.
N.B. If you wish to create a curviform ladder from an initial template having a regular or generic type of V-crossing, do this:
1. TOOLS > MAKE CROSSOVER menu item.
3. TEMPLATE > V-CROSSING... menu item, and change to a CURVIFORM type of V-crossing.
4. Adjust the V-crossing angle to create the required radius in the diagonal road (F9 mouse action).
5. TOOLS > MAKE LADDER menu item.

Thanks for reminding me that the help menu item isn't linked to the above -- it is now. :)

There are still lots of dead help links, I'm afraid. :(

I will see if I can re-word some of the above to make things a bit clearer.



posted: 28 May 2013 10:47


Martin Wynne
West Of The Severn - United Kingdom

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richard_t wrote:
Also the help menu item in the  tools > make ladder crossover doesn't do anything.
Sometimes a simple report such as this opens such a can of worms that I despair of ever getting Templot fully updated and less confusing for beginners.

The introduction of irregular diamond-crossings in Templot2 meant rewriting the template generator to allow the turnout radius to go negative. In previous versions this was an error condition causing numerous error and diagnostic messages to be displayed. I removed all of those -- but the references to them in many of the help texts are still there. In fixing the empty menu item for Richard I have uncovered a whole trail of unfinished work in progress on the help texts. My aging grey cells had forgotten all about it. Sorry about that. :(

I have the time to make Templot work -- but not to explain it, which takes 10 times longer.

I will plod on with it, I'm still hoping to get another program update ready this week.


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